Septiembre de 2024
During August, 3rd former students embarked on an adventure into the world of "Wild animals". They learned the English names of their favorite animals such as panda bears, their habitat, diet and discovered why it's important to protect endangered species.
Plus, they designed beautiful and useful bookmarks by themselves and crafted adorable paper turtles, all after researching them in their books!
Excellent work!!!
Miss Tiziana & Florencia
Fechas para agendar
Secondary BACK TO SCHOOL 2° and 3° years
School of English
Secondary BACK TO SCHOOL 4°, 5° and 6° years
School of English
Día Nacional de la Memoria por la Verdad y por la Justicia
Acto conmemorativo Día Nacional de la Memoria por la Verdad y la Justi
Día del Veterano y de los caídos en la Guerra de Malvinas
Acto conmemorativo Día del Veterano y de los caídos en la Guerr