Octubre de 2024
Primary School students from 1st form B, in charge of Miss Vane, had an exciting afternoon in the open-playground of the school, working on their Spring Project, which started on September 2nd. The activity began with videos about this wonderful season in the classroom, followed by interactive games that fostered fun and learning. The children expressed their thoughts about spring through drawings, inspired by the beauty of nature. Each piece of art reflects what spring means to them. The students took their productions home to show their families how well these little artists' work at the School of English.
On another hand, 4th formers, in charge of Miss Juli, have also collaborated with this project making beautiful and handmade flower pots to celebrate the coming of the Spring season with real and colourful flowers the kids brought from their homes.
Fechas para agendar
Secondary BACK TO SCHOOL 2° and 3° years
School of English
Secondary BACK TO SCHOOL 4°, 5° and 6° years
School of English
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