Diciembre de 2024
Our speaking workshop helps students boost their confidence and become more fluent at the time of speaking! Through interactive activities like role-playing, group discussions, and mock presentations.The teachers gives them personalized feedback to enhance their speaking abilities for everyday conversations and to prepare them for the exams.
Our computing lab is designed to enhance students' English language skills through technology! Students improve their reading and writing abilities using a great variety of online resources. The lab also promotes digital literacy and independent learning. A space for creativity and language growth!
Miss Paula Manrique
Fechas para agendar
Secondary BACK TO SCHOOL 2° and 3° years
School of English
Secondary BACK TO SCHOOL 4°, 5° and 6° years
School of English
Día Nacional de la Memoria por la Verdad y por la Justicia
Acto conmemorativo Día Nacional de la Memoria por la Verdad y la Justi
Día del Veterano y de los caídos en la Guerra de Malvinas
Acto conmemorativo Día del Veterano y de los caídos en la Guerr