Noviembre de 2024
1st year B students have been working on biographies of a person of their choice they consider important in the world. They enjoyed and showed wonderful moments at their Open Class. Parents and students coming together to celebrate learning! They shared interesting information about Anne Frank, Marie Curie and Lionel Messi.
1st year A held their Open class which was about the fascinating world of art. The students explored the lives of Van Gogh, Dalí and Picasso as well as poems from Shel Silvertein. They also wrote their own poems.
Miss Sandra & Marianela
Its amazing to see how the students' hard work and dedication are paying off. Their families´ support makes all the difference!
Congratulations 1st year students! You nailed it!
School of English Heads
Fechas para agendar
Secondary BACK TO SCHOOL 2° and 3° years
School of English
Secondary BACK TO SCHOOL 4°, 5° and 6° years
School of English
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